Should I Learn Ruby on Rails or JavaScript First?

Should I Learn Ruby on Rails or JavaScript First?

Feb 13, 2019
Chelsea Kaufman

Javascript and Ruby on Rails are in high demand, and lucrative web development programming languages that each have distinct advantages. They also go hand in hand really well. That’s why, when choosing whether to learn Ruby or Javascript in San Diego, you should consider taking the third option and learning both of these computer programming languages.

That being said, the decision to learn both Ruby on Rails and Javascript raises a number of new dilemmas. Namely, which one should you learn first? What are their unique uses? Is Java just another name for Javascript or is it something else entirely? Are there any similarities between Java and Ruby?

In this article, we will look at the vital differences between Javascript and Ruby, and how mastering them both can create unparalleled software developer career opportunities for you.

Ruby on Rails logo over more Ruby on Rails logos

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby is a modern, dynamically typed coding language that is specially designed to make scripting and app development not only easy, but also fun. It utilizes a full stack, superbly optimized web framework known as Ruby on Rails framework. It’s generally used for backend development.

In other words, Ruby allows you to create incredibly complex web apps that are practically full programs that are delivered to your phone or computer through your web browser. Extremely popular websites such as Slideshare, Crunchbase, Hulu, Kickstarter, Airbnb, Soundcloud, and Shopify all use Ruby on Rails.

Ruby’s open source advantage

Ruby’s creator, Yukiro Matsumoto, designed Ruby in 1995 with the intention of making it open source, and therefore free to use any modify. This means Ruby requires no expensive licensing to use, making it ideal for startups and young companies. It is further supported by reputable non-profit organizations such as the Ruby Association.

Ruby on Rails and Java logos representing if ruby on rails and javascript are similar

Is Ruby similar to Java?

Ruby and Java share a few basic similarities, but for the most part they are vastly different languages. They’re both strongly-typed and object oriented programming languages, but Ruby is an interpreted scripting language while Java is a compiled coding language.

Furthermore, Ruby is dynamically typed and uses no type declarations, whereas Java is statically typed. Ruby is also much more successful overall. It’s faster, easier to learn, more popular, and its software engineers have had the highest average salaries in 2017.

Java’s declining popularity also makes it less attractive to prospective coders. What’s more, the constant compatibility and security problems Java applets experience have contributed to its failing popularity in software development. Quite simply, Ruby is a better, more versatile computer programming language for web developers in this day and age.

JavaScript and Java logos representing the differences between JavaScript and Java

Are Javascript and Java different?

Although they are similarly named, Java and Javascript are vastly different scripting languages that are used for different purposes. Java’s goal is to enable developers to utilize the same code on different operating systems without having to change it much, if at all. This doesn’t always work.

Java applets are also getting less and less popular, with most users nowadays having Java support disabled in their browsers. Conversely, Javascript is more useful than ever. Javascript works splendidly with modern web browsers, especially on mobile, while Java is rapidly losing ground.

Ruby on Rails logo overlaid on an image of a computer

Is Ruby easy to learn?

Yes it is. Ruby on Rails is designed to make a lot of assumptions on how you want to do things. This forces you, at least at first, to code in a commonly accepted way. This includes MVC framework, RESTful resources, testing (Ruby includes a testing framework from the get go), and so on.

This has the effect of teaching you the best programming concepts and practices of web development. Furthermore, it hides the complicated stuff you don’t have to know. For instance, your Ruby on Rails app database won’t have to use any SQL. It does a lot of the security things automatically, such as preventing cross-site scripting, SQL-injection, session hijacking, and many more features web applications need out of the box.

All this is invaluable to beginners who don’t yet care or know about the many ways they can customize their approach to web application development. To top it all off, Ruby on Rails boasts a huge community that has meetups in every large city and constantly organizes conferences and constantly ranks as one of the most popular programming languages.

Picture of a computer with text asking what is easier to learn, ruby or javascript

What is easier to learn, Ruby or Javascript?

Javascript is a client-side coding language that excels at front-end application development. On the other hand, Ruby on Rails is a full-stack framework that is most often used for backend development. It’s obvious from this description that they don’t compete, but rather complement each other.

Should you learn Ruby on Rails if you’re a beginner? Definitely. But should you also make the extra effort to learn at least the basics of Javascript? It’s very much worth it. Studying both of these languages will give you a versatile skill set that is highly attractive in today’s market.

Picture of tools depicting the different kinds of coding tools used in ruby and javascript

Tools that go hand in hand with javascript and ruby

Learning the full suite of web development tools can go a long way toward further solidifying you as a programming expert. For instance, CSS and HTML are the building blocks of the web. CSS contains style information (layouts, colors, font sizes, etc.), while HTML contains raw data (links, pictures, text, etc.).

Other crucial tools include Git, which is the best way to track your progress, repair mistakes, save your work, and so on. It’s closely related to GitHub, which allows you to review and share code with your fellow programmers.

Picture of San Diego skyline with the question what is the best place to learn ruby on rails and javascript

What is the top place to learn Javascript or Ruby in San Diego?

Have you decided to take the plunge and become the versatile developer who has mastered both Javascript and Ruby on Rails? If so, Learn Academy is the right place for you. Our intensive four-month bootcamp is designed to teach you everything you need to know about Javascript and Ruby, including supporting tools such as React, Git, and GitHub.

The bootcamp includes a one-month internship at some of San Diego’s top tech companies. What better way to jumpstart your coding career than by learning near the world-famous Balboa Park?

Do you have further questions about our Javascript and Ruby bootcamp? Would you like to schedule a free tour of our premises? Get in touch with Learn Academy today. We’re eager to give you the coding training you’ve always wanted.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Below you will find answers to the most common questions you may have. If you are interested in receiving updates on our future cohorts please join our waitlist!

A woman presenting and a woman listening.

Can I work while attending LEARN academy?

We have had students hold part-time jobs while attending the coding bootcamps at LEARN academy. They tell us that it’s not too bad if your work is on the weekend, but working more than one night per week is really tough. It is tough but possible.

What is the class schedule?

LEARN academy’s 4 month bootcamp is Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

What do you mean by "full-time"?

LEARN academy’s full-time course is Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Students spend the first 12 weeks working in the online classroom and the final 4 weeks in their remote programming internship.

What is the background of the typical LEARN Student?

There isn’t really a typical student at LEARN academy. Most have not taken computer science classes in college, although some have. Some have not gone to college at all, but many have undergraduate degrees in something other than computer science. Past graduates have been in the entertainment industry, waitresses, massage therapists, in the military, and just about anything else you can think of.

Can I call you or drop by to talk?

Absolutely! We love chatting with potential partners and students. It is always best to make an appointment first so we can make sure someone is available to answer your questions. You can email us hello@learnacademyorg.

Is there any required prep work?

Students who are accepted and enrolled in the 4 month bootcamp are required to attend and participate in a workshop, called Jumpstart, offered by LEARN academy prior to the first day of the program. These workshops are free for students and included in the price of the tuition for the bootcamp. LEARN academy offers multiple workshops leading up to the start of class that students can sign up for.

I don't live in San Diego, can I still apply?

Yes! LEARN academy’s live-remote courses allow students to take our courses from just about anywhere in the United States. However, we are not able to support International students at this time.

How long should my application be?

One of the things we look for in an application is – did we get to know you? It’s almost impossible for us to get to know a candidate if each of the essay answers is only two sentences long. It doesn’t need to be a novel, but before you submit, check to make sure your personality is coming out in your writing.

How old do I have to be to attend LEARN academy?

Code school students must be 18 years old by the date of the first class as we are not legally able to accommodate minors.

What does the application process look like at LEARN academy?

Once you have submitted your application, the team at LEARN academy will review it and be in touch within a week of your submission date. If we feel it is a good fit we will ask you in for an interview. It is an informal interview. A chance for us to get to know you and for you to ask any questions you might have about the coding course. We know that it is vital to your success to find the course that is best for you and your learning needs. We use the interview to find out if we are the best fit for you! If at that point we both agree that it is a good fit we will invite you to secure a seat in the class of your choice.

How old do I have to be to attend LEARN academy?

Code school students must be 18 years old by the date of the first class as we are not legally able to accommodate minors.

What does the application process look like at LEARN academy?

Once you have submitted your application, the team at LEARN academy will review it and be in touch within a week of your submission date. If we feel it is a good fit we will ask you in for an interview. It is an informal interview. A chance for us to get to know you and for you to ask any questions you might have about the coding course. We know that it is vital to your success to find the course that is best for you and your learning needs. We use the interview to find out if we are the best fit for you! If at that point we both agree that it is a good fit we will invite you to secure a seat in the class of your choice.

Can I work while attending LEARN academy?

We have had students hold part-time jobs while attending the coding bootcamps at LEARN academy. They tell us that it’s not too bad if your work is on the weekend, but working more than one night per week is really tough. It is tough but possible.

What is the class schedule?

LEARN academy’s 4 month bootcamp is Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm.

What do you mean by "full-time"?

LEARN academy’s full-time course is Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm. Students spend the first 12 weeks working in the online classroom and the final 4 weeks in their remote programming internship.

What is the background of the typical LEARN Student?

There isn’t really a typical student at LEARN academy. Most have not taken computer science classes in college, although some have. Some have not gone to college at all, but many have undergraduate degrees in something other than computer science. Past graduates have been in the entertainment industry, waitresses, massage therapists, in the military, and just about anything else you can think of.

Can I call you or drop by to talk?

Absolutely! We love chatting with potential partners and students. It is always best to make an appointment first so we can make sure someone is available to answer your questions. You can email us hello@learnacademyorg.

Is there any required prep work?

Students who are accepted and enrolled in the 4 month bootcamp are required to attend and participate in a workshop, called Jumpstart, offered by LEARN academy prior to the first day of the program. These workshops are free for students and included in the price of the tuition for the bootcamp. LEARN academy offers multiple workshops leading up to the start of class that students can sign up for.

I don't live in San Diego, can I still apply?

Yes! LEARN academy’s live-remote courses allow students to take our courses from just about anywhere in the United States. However, we are not able to support International students at this time.

How long should my application be?

One of the things we look for in an application is – did we get to know you? It’s almost impossible for us to get to know a candidate if each of the essay answers is only two sentences long. It doesn’t need to be a novel, but before you submit, check to make sure your personality is coming out in your writing.

How old do I have to be to attend LEARN academy?

Code school students must be 18 years old by the date of the first class as we are not legally able to accommodate minors.

What does the application process look like at LEARN academy?

Once you have submitted your application, the team at LEARN academy will review it and be in touch within a week of your submission date. If we feel it is a good fit we will ask you in for an interview. It is an informal interview. A chance for us to get to know you and for you to ask any questions you might have about the coding course. We know that it is vital to your success to find the course that is best for you and your learning needs. We use the interview to find out if we are the best fit for you! If at that point we both agree that it is a good fit we will invite you to secure a seat in the class of your choice.

Still have questions?